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Hot Bean Dip

Can we have a moment of solitude for parents? While not always looking fabulous doing it, I juggle a full-time job and show up for my kids when they need me. Whether you are a stay at home mom or work from home mom or work out of the house mom, it's a balancing act that all moms manage. It's hard, and I cut it close today as the clock ticked down to Bryce's holiday party.

I know I can't volunteer for every class event for both kids, so I pick and chose the important ones. Christmas is an important holiday in our home, so I gladly signed up to bring juice to Bryce's classroom today.

The only problem was that juice wasn't even an item on the sign up list. The teacher gave me a strange look as I plopped 24 juice boxes down on her desk and I knew I had screwed something up.

Chip and dip were what I signed up to bring today. What was I thinking? What kind of dip does a four-year-old eat?

Warm bean dip was the answer to all my problems today. It is almost too simple of a recipe to even post, but the fact that two moms and a teacher all asked me for the "recipe" prompts me to write it down and share.

I literally left the car running when I ran into the house and grabbed a large microwavable bowl and dumped in all the ingredients.

Yes, I made this in the microwave in less than 5 minutes.


8 ounces cream cheese

2 14.5 ounce cans of refried beans (I used the kind that was a little chunky with pieces of whole beans)

1 teaspoon taco seasoning (I used mild for the kiddos)

8 ounces cheddar cheese (I used a mix of white and yellow cheddar)

In a microwavable bowl, heat the cream cheese, refried beans and taco seasoning on high for 2 minutes. Stir and keep heating until it is warm and blended.

Spoon this into a much prettier serving dish and sprinkle with cheese. My serving platter was microwavable so I popped this in for another minute and a half until the cheese was melted.

The end.

So freaking easy, it doesn't need a recipe at all. There was enough leftover that I'm searing the beans and cheese between two tortillas for an easy dinner.

If I was making this for adults, I would add more taco seasoning, and use the spicy version. A garnish of sour cream and fresh or pickled jalapenos would be lovely in the middle or off to the side.

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